Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So... I am finally attempting to keep up with a blog. Maybe it will help my sanity somewhat!

The past two weeks have been miserable! Lance has been gone at annual training and things have just not gone smoothly. The first week he was gone was during my stretch of 12 hour shifts, and Bailee spent 3 days with Lan's mom and three days up north with my family. I hate to leave her, especially when he's gone... and it was horrible. I cried the whole entire way home. But, she had tons of fun. So, when it was time to go get her I went up there to spend some time with the fam. My car was not running too well, so I decided to get the expedition.... and wrecked it. Well, actually my sister accidentally backed into it. We did get to spend some time out at my dads in his fabulous pool (See above picture).

It just seems like nothing has gone as planned the past 2 weeks! I need my partner back. Bailee keeps telling me "I need daddy, okay??"

Lets hope they release them tomorrow... because if not, I won't get to see him till friday night. Back to work for my stretch of 12's the day he gets home :(. Bring on the standby!!!